Korean Game
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Korean Game

Gonggi Korean Game Squid Gongi Game Pack, Folk Dice Stone Catching Game Jebi Kicks, Gong-gi, Biseokchigi, Paeng-y, DDAKJI, Hand Eye Coordination Training Toy (All Game Set)

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$ 39.99
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Gonggi (Korean Knucklebones) - Start the game by throwing five gonggis onto the floor. Pick one gong gi and throw it into the air. While this gongi is in the air, grab one that’s on the floor before catching the one in the air. Repeat this to clear the floor
Paeng-y (Spinning Tops) - Prepare by winding a rope around the bottom of the top. Then in one swift movement, yank on the free end of the rope to make the top spin. Great gonggi korean game toy
Jebi Kicks (Korean Hacky Sack) - Continuously kick ‘Jebi’ in the air without dropping. Whoever manages the most number of kicks wins, you can challenge it with your family and friends, and improve the relationship in the process of playing
Biseokchigi - Knock down the opponents’ Biseok(rocks) in 18 steps. Each step consists of stably resting the biseok on a body part and moving to opponent’s biseok to knock them down
DDAKJI - It's involves two playing tiles of different colors. The point of the game is to flip over the other player's tile, by hitting it with your tile from above. As easy as the rules are, it's actually quite a challenging game that takes a lot more skill than you would think - but no worries, I'll give you a tip later to maximize our chances of winning this pastime.

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